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“ a phenomenal soloist ... ”
— Neue Zürcher Zeitung
“…playing that let one forget the time….
transported the audience to another world…”
—The Flute (Japan)
Thanks for stopping by – if you’d like to get in touch, contact me here.
As soloist and chamber musician, I offer inspiring concerts to audiences around the world in venues ranging from art galleries to major concert halls.
As a certified Mindset and Empowerment Coach with Virtual Coach Training Program, I offer high-performing individuals the support they need to fly higher.
As teacher, I help passionate flutists achieve their own goals towards becoming happy and successful professional musicians.
Watch my performances
Of course we conservatory-trained flutists can play everything in our traditional repertoire. For a complete list, one can check other sites, books and catalogues (e.g. http://www. ).
My favorites span many centuries, beginning with ancient melodies from various cultures and continuing via winding paths to music being written this very minute!
Historical Anthology of Music, Volume I: Oriental, Medieval, and Renaissance Music: Revised Edition (Oriental, Medieval, & Renaissance Music).
Archibald T. Davison & Willi Apel (Editors) A required textbook in college, it has proven to be an indispensable resource for many of my solo projects, most recently for one involving ancient music of Greece.
Also in my college years I fell in love with Renaissance dance music, playing it first in “Early Music” groups on recorder or Renaissance flutes and later in solo versions on my Western flute.
BACH BACH and more BACH!! Partita in A minor, Sonate in C-major (yes, as a solo), and Sciarrino’s adaptation of the Toccata and Fugue in G minor.
MARAIS Les Folies d’espagne
STAMITZ Caprices. Thanks to Zdenek Bruderhans I now appreciate the humor and style in these little pieces!
DONJON Etudes de salon. My junior-high teacher had given me The Modern Flutist (pub. Southern Music Co.) so I could practice the Karg-Elert etudes and orchestral excerpts collected there, but I eventually figured out how much fun the (unassigned!) Donjon pieces were!
KARG-ELERT 30 Caprices. Yes. When I was fighting them in the 9th grade, they were NOT my favorite. Way too many accidentals and modern in a weird way. By high school I was proud I could play them, and by the time we were analyzing and memorizing Number 30 in grad school for Prof. Alex Murray I had learned to love them. And I had learned how “romantic” they really were!
DEBUSSY Syrinx. Of course! It’s not only “lovely music”, but it’s a brilliant composition, as I discovered when I had to analyse it for a musicology prof in grad school. I also had the privileges of studying it with Marcel Moyse, who claimed he had played it for Debussy himself (!), and, years later, being asked to perform it in Paris’s Chatelet. Unforgettable experiences for this girl from Michigan….
BOZZA Images. This was one of my “signature pieces” for awhile. The most fun performance, however, was a spontaneous “concert” I gave to a group of children at a friend’s home.
This is where making categories gets really interesting. Besides the afore-mentioned works of Karg-Elert, Debussy and Bozza, there is EVERY kind of music to be found in this time period—from the neo’s: neo-Baroque, -Classic, -Romantic, -Impressionist, to 12-Tone, Avant-garde, Experimental, Spectral, Concrète, Minimal, Complexity, Simplicity, World, New Age, Crossover, etc. etc. And we flutists can find all these trends right in our own repertoire: the history of 20th Century music unfolding in hundreds of pieces written for just for flute alone!!
My personal list, including some “firsts” in the solo repertoire for flute:
Claude Debussy Syrinx (1912) | Symmetrical scales, exotic/ancient themes, theater |
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Sonata Appassionata (1917) | Tonality of romanticism pushed to the limit |
Paul Hindemith Acht Stuecke (1927) | Quartal harmonies |
Ruth Crawford-Seeger Diaphonic Suite (1930) | (a language speaking of both serial techniques and minimalism) |
Edgar Varese Density 21.5 (1936) | Particularly significant! “Blocks of sound”, percussive key-clicks, extremes in registers and dynamics… |
Then come solos in a more traditional vein: Ibert (1936) Honegger (1937), Bozza (1940), Jolivet (1944), etc.
Roman Haubenstock-Ramati Interpolations (1957) and
Luciano Berio Sequenza (1958) Complex twelve-tone rows serve as the basis for exploiting the agility of the flute, with wild, pointillistic leaps and even more extreme changes of dynamic and register. New also is the space-time notation, and the introduction of a harmonic multiphonic.
After Interpolations and Sequenza the door is wide open and music for solo flute is THE medium for modern composers. From then on, it is almost easier to list the composers who did not write for solo flute. But I continue with my personal choices here in the “mini-history” of the 20th century
Kazuo Fukushima Mei (1962) | Reference to ancient music, glissandi, quarter-tones |
B.A. Zimmermann Tempus Loquendi (1963) | Extremes in dynamic & register, changing between c-, alto- and bass- flutes, open elements in score |
Burt Levy Orbs (1965) | use of extended techniques (especially multiphonics & tongue-rams) |
William Brooks poem piece white-gold blue (1969) | Adding voice, theatrical aspects, open score, improvisation |
Mauricio Kagel Atem (1969/1970) | Music theater, improvisation |
Brian Ferneyhough Cassandra’s Dreamsong (1970) | More extended techniques, open form |
Toru Takemitsu Voice (1971) | Voice, extended techniques |
Heinz Holliger Lied (1971) | “Noise” timbres, ad lib. amplification |
Michael Manion Constellations (1974) | Graphic score, live electronics |
Robert Dick Afterlight (1975) | Waves of overblown multiphonics |
Younghi Pagh Paan Dreisam Nore (1975) | Extended techniques |
(Brian Ferneyhough Unity Capsule (1976) | Complexity, multi-layered to the extreme) |
Thorkell Sigurbjornsson Calaïs (1976) | Reference to ancient or archaic music, dissembled flute |
Jon Gibson Equal Distribution 1 (1977) | Minimalism |
Salvatore Sciarrino All’aure in una lontanza (1967) | (first performed 1977!) “Whistle tones” inside the flute, air-sounds |
Karlheinz Stockhausen In Freundschaft (1977/1983) | Extended serialism, prescribed motions |
Kaija Saariaho Laconisme de l’aile (1982) | Sounds from noise to pure flute tone organized in a graded scale |
Flute solos continue to make musical history of course, but I will leave the chronological listing to offer some of my favorites alphabetically.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Feel free to contact me via the form here, at my googlemail address: , or by messaging me on one of my social media sites below.
Camilla Hoitenga
Peter-Bauer-Str. 7
50823 Köln
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Dr. Camilla Hoitenga
Peter-Bauer-Str. 7
50823 Köln
Phone: +49 221 739 3747
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Erstellt mit von RA Dr. Thomas Schwenke
We paid a lot of attention to getting the basics of our typography right in the new WordPress Blog theme. The purpose of this HTML is to help determine what default settings are with CSS and to make sure that all possible HTML Elements are included. For example we looked at headings. Lovely headings.
Quite often typography is one of most ignored aspects of test link website design.
Here are two small flourishes that can add a little bit of polish to a blog or text-heavy site to liven it up a bit.
Poor typography can make your website feel bland or boring, and at worst impact readability.
Quite often typography is one of most ignored aspects of test link website design.
Here are two small flourishes that can add a little bit of polish to a blog or text-heavy site to liven it up a bit.
Quite often typography is one of most ignored aspects of test link website design. Poor typography can make your website feel bland or boring, and at worst impact readability. Here are two small flourishes that can add a little bit of polish to a blog or text-heavy site to liven it up a bit.
Blockquotes got some love too – because everyone loves a good quality blockquote to quote around. On both desktop and mobile.
Frameworks make decisions for you about how to organize, structure and design a site. Pattern libraries don’t separate styling and markup, making them tough to use in a truly modular fashion. We weren’t satisfied, so we made a thing that doesn’t do that.
Here is where the beauty lies. We’ve taken that extra-mile and crafted an advanced but simple to use shortcodes plugin that will allow you to give structure and bling to your pages and posts. To ensure ease of use, everything is visual, nicely packed in a modal window accessible from the WordPress editor. Look for that funky P button. More about shortcodes in documentation.
Line with Flower
Small | Medium | Big | |
Default | |||
Circles | |||
Square |
Use the Slider shortcode to slide any type of content: images, blocks of text, testimonials etc.
For those with pure food indulgence in mind, come next door and sate your desires with our ever changing internationally and seasonally inspired small plates. We love food, lots of different food, just like you.
We promise an intimate and relaxed dining experience that offers something different to local and foreign patrons and ensures you. All images are under copyright © Laurent Nivalle.
WAVE DASH – Duo with percussionist Magdalena Meitzner
Repertoire includes works written for them by Anne LeBaron , Lisa Streich , Christofer Elgh , Peter Gilbert , Karola Obermüller, Richard Hermann , José Luis Hurtado
DUO FLUTE/HARP – with Héloïse Dautry, guests Anne-May Krüger, Mezzo-Soprano, Antoine Dautry, Viola
Repertoire written for them by Kaija Saariaho , Orjan Sandred , Tôn-Thất Tiết , Peter Köszeghy , Anne LeBaron , Ying Wang , Christophe de Coudenhove, Christophe Sirodeau , Andreas Wagner, Isabel Chevalon
”EKSTASIS” — multimedia concerts with music by Kaija Saariaho and Jean-Baptiste Barrière, with Raphaële Kennedy, soprano; Aliisa Neige Barrière, violin and Camilla Hoitenga, flutes Recording now available on Blu-ray and CD: (and here the video teaser…)
“EKSTASIS”, ext. du coffret Blu-ray / CD from Jean-Baptiste Barrière on Vimeo.
Jean-Baptiste Barrière, design and realisation of the images, electronics and final mixing, electronics realisation | Pierre-Jean Bouyer and François Galard, video processing | Isabelle Barrière, video shooting, editing and color grading | Image Auditive, technical conception and supervision | David Lefeber, engineering, editing, vocal and instrumental sound mixing | Thomas Goepfer, electronics realisation
DUO FLUTE/KANTELE – Duo with Eia Kankaanranta,
Download PDF: Duo Hoitenga / Kankaanranta
Photo: Tarvo Varres
KARLHEIZ STOCKHAUSEN POLES – in a version for flute and analogue (Serge) synthesizer
The international project POLES is an hommage to Karlheinz Stockhausen centered around his composition POLES (1969-1970) for two players and multichannel sound diffusion. POLES is a so-called “open score”, music notated with a system invented by Stockhausen which consists of +’s and -’s instead of normal notes and which allows for various instrumentation.Aiming for a historically informed performance Camilla Hoitenga (USA/D) and Taavi Kerikmäe (EST) have made a version for flutes with the rare 1970s Serge modular synthesizer once belonging to composer (and some time copyist for K. Stockhausen) Michael Manion which is combined with current sound diffusion possibilities.
Camilla Hoitenga (USA/ GER) flutes (piccolo, C-, alto-, bass-flutes)
Taavi Kerikmäe (EST) SERGE modular synthesizer, piano /inside-piano sounds
Francesco Colasanto (ARG/MEX), Tammo Sumera (EST) sound diffusion
Interview with Katherine Bergman about our project around Stockhausen’s POLES for flutes and Serge synthesizer:
SPECTRAL REFLECTIONS – a recital of classics for flute/s and piano as well as music written for us by composers such Peter Koeszeghy, Kaija Saariaho and Helena Tulve.
MICHAEL MANION MEMORIAL CONCERT – with music for flute, piano/Serge synthesizer
Sketches: © Gusti Gould Korban
–Sounds of time with works by , SHIDA Shôko, JOVANKA TRBOJEVIC
–Japanese Gardens with KAIJA SAARIAHO, NAKAMURA Noriko, KANNO Yoshihiro
„Sounds of Time“ – in Japan zirkular statt linear, fließend ineinander übergehende Phrasen anstelle von logisch aufgebauten Abläufen. Klänge, die über uns hinwegfluten wie Wellen am Strand und uns von einer Welt in eine andere mitnehmen. Klänge auch, die zeitlos sind, auf uralte Rituale anspielen, auf Gesänge beim Sumô-Ringkampf, die in die Gegenwart übersetzt und auf westliche Instrumente übertragen werden, auf Bass-Flöte und Piccolo, auf Trommeln Gongs und Triangel. Individuelle und kombinierte Klänge, inspiriert von Vorstellungen animistischer und spiritueller Überlieferungen, vermittelt durch moderne Technologien (Spektralanalyse von Schwingungen) und bereichert durch vokale Äußerungen, mal meditativ, mal erregt.
Die Flötistin Camilla Hoitenga ist eine Musikerin, die sich vielseitig und idealistisch der Neuen Musik verschrieben hat. Zusammen mit dem Schlagzeuger Norbert Krämer, ebenfalls ein Spezialist für Neue Musik und Mitglied verschiedener einschlägig bekannter Ensembles (z.B. anthos, welches sich in erster Linie der Aufführung der Werke von Karlheinz Stockhausen widmet), stellt Camilla Hoitenga im heutigen Konzert Werke japanischer Komponisten vor und kontrastiert sie mit europäischen Stücken. (H.-D. Reese)
Rosa’s 50 seat room, “The Meazzanine Room” features a temperature-controlled wine cellar, displays of more wine and a private atmosphere. A semi-private room, “Barbaresco,” is available for other occasions.
Seat up to 50 guests
… the most exciting program of new music this listener has heard so far this year… Tim Page in the New York Times
… an eccentric genius on her instrument… General-Anzeiger Bonn
…playing that let one forget the time…. The Flute, Japan
Tout ce périple musical servi par la virtuosité, le charme, la seduction instrumentale de … Camilla Hoitenga. La Gazette Provencale
…a lively and alluring soloist… The Independent
A shimmering aura enveloped the melodies, gently vibrating and devotedly celebrated by Hoitenga, Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger
….transported her audience to another world. The Flute, Japan
…a captivating soloist, meltingly tender in the opening slow music and coquettishly lithe in the fast music of the second movement. She flung off the works trappings of virtuosity with ease… Daily Telegraph
…charismatic and exciting playing…all flautists should hear Hoitenga play. Pan
…virtuosic with compelling intensity and such vitality…. Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten
Camilla Hoitenga is more than a good instrumentalist: she lives this music. She twirls and sings, she hisses and purrs. Hamburger Morgenpost
… a magic flutist…. Südkurier
Since Kaija Saariaho’s passing in June 2023, there has been an increased interest in her music, and several of her flute pieces are now included as requirements for international flute competitions. More that ever I realize how privileged I am to have had her as a friend and collaborator for over 40 years. With these and other writings, together with the recitals and workshops I offer, I hope to contribute to a richer understanding of Saariaho’s artistic legacy, helping flutists and others to familiarize themselves with her amazing repertoire along the way
©Jean-Luis Fernandez
This piece (Laconisme de l’aile) was the first in which she explored the possibilities of integrating all these effects into a coherent and distinctive musical language. Pierre Gervasoni later called this language a “harmony of timbres”.[1] In Laconisme de l’aile, and in her following compositions, she has organized the extended techniques according to a range of timbre, and is thereby able to create and build tensions normally associated with harmony while at the same time developing richer polyphonic textures for solo writing. (“If it’s too linear, it’s very boring,” she once said to me.)
Specifically, the piece begins with the spoken poetry, interrupted by sighs but gradually developing into a scale of pure flute sound. This is more or less the capsule of the whole composition, a piece concerned with interrupted transformation of one type of sound to another, of certain musical gestures to another.
[1] in a monograph published by Edition Wilhelm Hansen A/S Copenhagen, ca. 1987, transl. by Deke Dusinberre.
A performance guide to the flute music of Kaija Saariaho, with detailed guides for Laconisme de l’aile, NoaNoa, Cendres (fingerings), and Dolce Tormento.
Before going on to the more technical details addressed here, I’d like to recommend you to read The Flute Music of Kaija Saariaho – Some notes on the musical language. In striving for an authentic interpretation, whether of Beethoven or of Debussy, it is essential to know “where the composer is coming from” and thereby be able to determine what his or her notation signifies. (….)
Whereas the tension of much 20th century music depends on rigorous attention to metronomic markings and even the production or tones as abstract durations with as little attack or release envelopes as possible, Kaija’s music needs a certain flexibility in the rhythmic pulsation and tone production. In this sense her quarter notes are to be interpreted “traditionally”, that is to say, one may vary how one attacks and release the notes, use vibrato at one’s discretion, etc. She emphasizes, however, that her music is not “romantic”, not a call to “wallow” in interpretation according to one’s feelings.
For her, the structure of the music is always important. She notates her scores carefully and respect must be given to all markings. Nothing in her scores is superfluous or intended to challenge the interpreter beyond his capabilities. All is in service of her composition. The musical tension, however, comes from the context of the breath, and phrases are to be created organically in this context. The interpreter, therefore, must literally “breathe life” into the score in order to realize the music.
In 1982, Kaija Saariaho and I were each a participant at the International Summer Courses for New Music in Darmstadt, Germany. We met in the first week while we were waiting in line for lunch at the cantine. I don’t remember what we spoke of, though Kaija remembers I spoke to her first. I remember she was a striking figure in a long black dress and long, flat, black shoes. (The rest of us were in shirts, jeans and sandals….). Be that as it may, I learned that she was a composer and she learned that I was a flutist. The composer-teachers of that first week were what we called the “French Contingency”, notably Gerard Grisey, Tristan Murail, and Michael Levinas, and we enjoyed visiting their courses and concerts and socializing with them afterwards. Kaija had just moved to Paris to study at IRCAM and I was also a big fan of Paris, so already we had our interest in this city and French culture in common.
Cracks and Corrosion, 2009
Music: Örjan Sandred
“Whirl of Leaves” Camilla Hoitenga, flute, Héloïse Dautry, harp
Navona Records | Amazon
January 2 – 8, 2019 USA New York: The 38th Parallel Workshop and Preview at Steifel Hall, the New School
March 15 – 16, 2019 ABU DHABI New York Universitay at Abu Dhabi: conference and concerts on 20thcentury performance practices
April 8 – 14, 2019 HUNGARY Budapest: residency at the Peter Eötvös Contemporary Music Foundations during the Saariaho course
May 2 – 8, 12 – 14, 2019 FRANCE: Rehearsals Ensemble Charpy
May 14, 2019 FRANCE Marseilles: World Premiere of Pierre-Adrien Charpy „Le doux parfum des temps à venir“ in l’abbaye St-Victor tacles/
June 19 – 23, 2019 IRELAND Dundalk: Louth Contemporary Music Festival, Solo and Chamber Music of Kaija Saariaho
July 2 – 8, 2019 FINLAND Viitasaari Time of Music Festival
Debut concerts of WAVE DASH, flute & percussion duo with Magdalena Meitzner
World premieres of music by Christoher Elgh, Anne LeBaron and Lisa Streich
August 31, 2019 SWEDEN Katrinenenholm, Music House 4pm
September 14 SWEDEN Helsingborg Kulturhus 3:30 p.m.
October 5, 2019 USA New York City, New School 7 p.m. The Art of Change Opera Prelude
Chiara Bottici (philosopher, librettist), Jean-Baptiste Barrière (composer, multimedia artist), Camilla Hoitenga (flutist), Thomas Goepfer (sound & video designer)
November 20, 2019 HUNGARY, Budapest Fészek Művészklub 8 p.m.
Recital with Attila Jeszenszky-Böhm piano. World Premieres of music by Attila Jeszenszky-Böhm, Pèter Köszeghy and Esteban Ariel D’Antona
November 26, 2019 HUNGARY Budapest: world premiere of Alex Nante‘s Concerto for flute, with the Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Su-Han Yang conducting
Alex Nante, Concerto for flute “De luz y sueño”
Posted by Durand Salabert Eschig on 29 August 2019:
“It is in the city of Liszt, another cosmopolitan, and more precisely in his prestigious academy in Budapest, that Alex Nante, a native of Buenos Aires but at home in the capitals of Europe, will premiere on 26 November his flute concerto for Camilla Hoitenga, De luz y sueno. An event under the auspices of the unique Peter Eötvös and his Mentoring Program :
January 5, 2018 – Paris: Tribute to Jean-Baptiste Barriere (
(Crossing the Blind Forest, Solo for bass flute/piccolo with live electronics and video)
January 23, 25, 27 // February 1,4,7, 2018 – Paris: Reprise of the Kaija Saariaho opera „Only the Sound Remains“ at the Garnier, Peter Sellars directing ( featuring Philippe Jaroussky (Counter Tenor) und Davóne Tines (Baritone) and Nora Kimball (dancer) on stage, and a LOT of flute (and kantele, string quartet, percussion and chor) in the (visible) pit.
February 13 – March 1, 2018 – USA: tour with Stockhausen POLES & Manion Memorial with Taaiv Kerikmäe, Serge synthesizer/piano
February 16, 2018 – St.Cloud, MN POLES
Camilla Hoitenga (USA/D): flutes (piccolo, C, alto, and bass)
Taavi Kerikmäe (EST): SERGE modular synthesizer
Kyle Yotter (USA): sound diffusion
Edgar Languren (USA): sound diffusion
February 17, 2018 – St.Paul, MN Studio Z POLES
This Strange Fine Tuning of the Universe
Camilla Hoitenga (USA/D): flutes (piccolo, C, alto, and bass)
Taavi Kerikmäe (EST): SERGE modular synthesizer
Kyle Yotter (USA): sound diffusion
Edgar Languren (USA): sound diffusion
Scott L. Miller (USA): Kyma
February 20, 2018 – Dekalb, IL Northern Illinois University concert
10-10:50 Deciphering Graphic Scores (Taavi)
11-11:50 Interpretation for Woodwinds (Camilla)
8 p.m. Concert: Stockhausen AMOUR/POLES
Camilla Hoitenga, flutes and radio, Taavi Kerikmäe, synthesizer and shortwave radio, Phillip Sink, live sound diffusion
February 21, 2018 – Allendale, MI Grand Valley State University, 3-4pm flute seminar, 4-5pm composers workshop
February 22, 2018 – Allendale, MI Grand Valley State University, 7:30 concert Spectral Reflections, with Taavi Kerikmäe, piano
February 26, 2018 – Elmhurst, Illinois, Flute master class with students of Jennie Oh Brown
February 27, 2018 – Urbana, Il, University of Illinois, 4 -5:20 Composers Forum
March 10, 2018 — Karlsruhe, Germany Stockhausen zum 90.
POLE with Taavi Kerikmäe, synthesizer & Francisco Colasanto, sound diffusion.
March 24 – 29, 2018, concert March 28 – Kuopio, Finland: Rochus Flute Ensemble as guest in the Kuopio Conservatory
March 31 – April 1, 2018 – Marseilles: Recording visual concerts of Barrière & Saariaho
April 12, 2018 – Nantes: Visual concert with Raphaele Kennedy, soprano
April 13, 15, 2018 – Angers: Saariaho Concerto „Aile du songe“ , Clement Mao-Takacs, conducting
April 17, 18, 2018 – Nantes: Saariaho Concerto „Aile du songe“ , Clement Mao-Takacs, conducting (April 17, 18)
With music by CPE Bach, G.A. Schneider, G. Kröll, M Lorca and Fernando Cerqueira
June 24, 2018 – JAPAN Kyoto: Akira KOBAYASHI Flute concerto at Clumusica Festival (June 24)
July 28 – 31, 2018 — PORTUGAL, Aveiro: Flute: Hands on Research 2018 (Keynote Speaker, Lecture/Recital)
Keynote Speaker on Contemporary Performance Practice with music of Varèse, Debussy, Stockhausen, Saariaho, Kobayashi, Hakenberg…
October 23, 26, 29, 31, 2018 SPAIN Madrid: Reprise of Only the Sound Remains
November 5, 7, 9, 2018 SPAIN Madrid: Reprise of Only the Sound Remains
November 12 USA New York: With Jennifer Koh and Davóne Tines
Music Mondays
Suite from the 38th Parallel, music by Jean-Baptiste Barrière, plus music by Kaija Saariaho.
November 17, 18 USA New York: Reprise of Only the Sound Remains
November 25, 2018 GREAT BRITAIN Huddersfield:
December 2018 USA North Carolina: Residency in Sylva
October 1 – 6, 2018 HUNGARY Budapest: Master Classes & Concert at the Peter Eötvös Contemporary Music Foundation
February 11, 2017 — Paris, France Présences 2017 Rencontre avec Kaija Saariaho with Eija Kankaanranta, kantele
February 18, 2017 — Paris, France Présences 2017 Kaija Saariaho: World premiere of Light Still and Moving for flute and kantele, plus Terrestre and Sombre, with Davóne Tines, baryton; Eija Kankaanranta, kantele; Xavier de Maistre, harpe; Lyodoh Kaneko, violon; Oana Marchand, violoncelle; Florentin Ginot, contrebasse;Florent Jodelet, percussions
March 26, 2017 — Geneva, Switzerland (tba)
April 12, 15, 22, 27, 29 — Helsinki, Finland Opera Only the Sound Remains
May 4, 2017 — Cologne, Germany Kunst-Station St. Peter Solo Concert: Language, Voice and Music
May 6, 2017 – Prague, Czech Republic EchoFlux Festival Solo concert
May 27, 2017 — Cologne, Germany Bios–Inn FlötenTag mit 1. F(löten) C(hor) Rochus & Flautonos (Kuopio, FI)
June 21, 2017 — Cologne, Germany Romanischer Sommer Music for Flute and Kantele with Eija Kankaanranta
July 9, 2017 — Hong Kong World Harp Congress Duos by Sandred & Saariaho with Héloïse Dautry
October 13-14, 2017 — Minneapolis, MN The Curious Way: Graphic Scores 1977-2017 by David Means
November 11 & 14, 2017 — Helsinki, Finland Duo concerts with Eija Kankaanranta
January 17 – February 6, 2016 Residency at CMMAS, Morelia, Mexico with Taavi Kerikmäe, modular (Serge) synthesizer
January 29, 2016 presentation of music of TULVE, HOITENGA/KERIKMÄE, STOCKHAUSEN
February 13 – 14, 2016 Tallin, Estonia HELIjaKEEL Musik of SAARIAHO, PÄRT, REINVERE, TULVE
February 20. 2016 Münster, Germany Festival KLANGZEIT Premieres of music by SANCHEZ-VERDÚ, MITTMANN
March 15, 19, 22, 24, 27, 29, 2016 Amsterdam, NL National Opera and Ballet New opera by KAIJA SAARIAHO “Only the Sound Remains”
May 20, 2016 Schwetzingen, Germany Schwetzinger Festspiele Portrait KAIJA SAARIAHO
June 10 – 14, 2016 Ojai, CA OJAI FESTIVAL, Peter Sellars director
June 26 – August 2, 2016 Bāstad, Sweden Båstad Kammarmusik Music by HINDEMTIH, CASTELNUEVO-TEDESCO, STAERN, SCHULHOFF, SAARIAHO, KURTAG…
August 5, 2016 Aspen, CO Aspen Music Festival — Concerto with Robert Spano conducting the Aspen Chamber Symphony
SAARIAHO–Aile du songe
Music for flutes, flute and electronics, flute and percussion with NORBERT KRÄMER, Percussion
Octoboer 1, 2016 St. Michael, Köln ART & AMEN Music for flutes in the presence of paintings by MUTSUMI OKADA
October 27 – 30, 2016 Recife, Brazil Virtuosi Program T.B.A.
November 15, 2016 Stadgarten, Köln REIHE M Portrait MICHAEL MANION (1952 – 2012) Camilla Hoitenga, flutes, Taavi Kerikmäe, Serge Synthesizer, Piano
December 10 – 11 2016 Montpellier, France Conservatory Master Classes & Concert with TRIO DAUTRY, Héloïse Dautry, Harp, Antoine Dautry, viola Program includes World Premiere of ANDREAS WAGNER’s Wüstenfarbe for Flute, Harp & Viola
December 26, 2016 Rochus-Kirche, Köln W.A. MOZART Missa in d-Moll“ KV 65 „Ave verum“, Ch. STANFORD „O be joyful“
OCT 6 Buffalo
OCT 15 Seattle 8:00 p.m.
OCT 22 Albuquerque
Master class
OCT 28 Berkeley 12:15 p.m.
OCT 28 Berkeley 8:00 p.m.
OCT 29 Stanford
NOV 3 San Diego 7:00 p.m.
NOV 7 UCLA 8:00 p.m.
NOV 8 UCLA 7:00 p.m.
NOV 14 Louisville
NOV 19 AL AIN, EMIRATES –Recital, East meets West
November 28, 8 p.m. Morelia, Mexico & November 29, Mexico City Bellas Artes
Kaija Saariaho concerto Aile du songe with the Mexican National Symphony Orchestra
November 20, 8 p.m. New York City: Scandinavian House, Concert & Readings
Event for the launching of Volume 5 of the journal Music & Literature, featuring composer Kaija Saariaho and writers Stig Sæterbakken and Can Xue.
November 10, 5 p.m. Allendale: Grand Valley State University Performing Arts Center, Masterclass
Performances by students of Vasks Landscape with Birds, Varèse Density 21.5, Takemitsu Itinerant, Berio Sequenza, Messaien Merle Noir, Clarke Zoom Tube, plus tips for composers
November 9, 4 p.m. Allendale: Grand Valley State University Performing Arts Center, Solo Recital
Zack Browning Network Slammer, Yasutaki Inamori Mumbling Flute (US premiere), Kaija Saairaho Dolce Tormento, J.S.Bach/Sciarrino Toccata & Fugue in d minor, KenIchiro Kobayashi Taku, Hilda Paredes Chaczidzib, Benjamin Broening Twilight Shift
November 7, Grand Rapids: Crowe Horwath Great Eras Series
CPE Bach – d minor concerto, with the Grand Rapids Symphony Orchestra, John Varineau, cond.
Grand Rapids, Michigan The Classical Concert
September 22 – 28, Trondheim: Trondheim Chamber Music Festival
The Solo and Chamber Music of Kaija Saariaho with workshops , including the Norwegian premiere of SOMBRE
Trondheim, Norway Trondheim Chamber Music Festival
August 24, Palamuse: Festival
Kobayashi, Raimo Kangro, Helena Tulve (world premiere of “sinna otsima teed tagasi” for mezzo soprano, flute (alto & bass flutes) and string quartet
Palamuse, Estonia, Festival
August 9, Chicago: Soundscapes
The Solo Music of Kaija Saariaho: Laconisme de l’aile (flute), Couleurs du vent (alto flute), Dolce Tormento (piccolo)
Chicago, Illinois, National Flute Association convention
July 3, Berlin: Finnissage, Wechselspiel
Kobayashi, Stockhausen, improvisations
Berlin, Germany, Galerie Claudia Delank
June 28, Lübeck: Spectral Reflections
Messiaen, Debussy, Saariaho (Premiere), Murail, Tulve (German premiere)
with Taavi Kerikmaee, piano
Lübeck, Germany, Kolosseum
April 15 – Master Class
Host, Clarence Barlow
Santa Barbara, CA University of Southern California
April 14 – Master Class
Host, Anne LeBaron and Rachel Rudich
Los Angeles, CA Mills College
April 12-13, Los Angeles: Anne LeBaron, Portrait Concerts
Anne LeBaron: Sachamam for alto flute and recorded sound
Transfiguration for soprano (Lucy Shelton), flute, harp, percussion
Los Angeles, California, Redcat Theatre in the Walt Disney Concert Hall Complex
April 5, Ittevoort: Adams International Flute Festival 2014
Copland, Foss, Barber, Schoenfeld, Burton
with Cordula Hacke (piano)
Ittevoort, NL, Adams European Flutecentre
April 4 – 6, Ittevoort: Master Class and Workshop
Host, Peter Swinkels
Ittevoort, NL, Adams European Flutecentre
April, 2, Klaipèda: Concert with C.Ph.E. Bach and Dorman
Carl Philipp Emmanuel Bach: Konzert in d-moll
Avner Dorman: Piccolo Concerto
with St. Christopher Chamber Orchestra, Donatus Katkus, conductor
March 29 – Lyon: Jardin des songes
Multimedia installation and concert
Concept and composition, Jean-Baptiste Barriere
Lyon (France), Musées Gadagne, March 29, 2014, 5 and 6 p.m.
February 14 – Clermont Ferrand: Music for the Rothko Chapel
Saariaho: Dolce Tormento for piccolo solo / Tocar for flute and harpn (French Premiere) / Sombre for solo bass flute, baritone, harp, percussion and contrabass (French Premiere)
Debussy: Six épigraphes antiques for flute and harp
together with Heloïse Dautry, harp, and Sombre Ensemble
Clermont-Ferrand (France), Opéra-théâtre, 8:30 p.m.
January 26 – Cologne: Filmfrühstück at Maternushaus
Fauré, Massanet, Bizet, Martin, Hüe
January 25 – Cologne: Private Soirée
Schubert, Bach, Kobayashi, Inamori Yasutaki, Frank Martin, Hüe
with Iris von Zahn, piano
January 22 – Siegen: Bridges Of Sound – Klangbrücken
Carter, Platz, van Buren, Herchenroeder (Premiere)
Siegen, Germany Apollo Theater
(20 October – subbing as 1st flute in the SWR Sinfonieorchester for the closing concert in Donaueschingen Music Days, music by Mantovani, Posadas, Manoury)
7 – 14 November 2013 Bratislava, Slovakia (World Music Days)
Kaija Saariaho – Aile du songe (with Slovak Philharmonic)
– Sombre (with Quasar)
30 November 2013 Rochuskirche, Cologne, Germany
Wilfried Kaets music to “King of Kings”
1 December Black Box, cuba-cultur, Munster, Germany
Improv concert with pianist Taavi Kerikmaee
7 July 2013 Savonlinna, Finland
excerpts from Telemann’s Suite in A minor (with the summer camp senior orchestra)
14 – 27 July 2013 Kuhmo Festival, Finland
Chamber music by Mozart, Prokofiev, Bach, Bizet, Saariaho, Ravel, Respighi, Beethoven…
23 August 2013 Baltic Sea Festival, Stockholm
Kaija Saariaho – SOMBRE for bass flute, voice, percussion, harp and double bass (European Premiere)
6 September 2013 Haus Bertelsmann, Worpswede, Germany
Kaija Saariaho « Couleurs du vent »
Portraitkonzert der finnischen Komponistin und
Malerin Kaija Saariaho zum 60. Geburtstag.
Camilla Hoitenga (Flöten)
Friedrich Gauwerky (Violoncello)
Kaija Saariaho:
“Mirrors” für Flöte. Violoncello, 1997 (1.Fassung)
“Couleurs du vent” für Flöte Solo, 1998
Klaus Huber :
“Ein Hauch von Unzeit“ für Flöte und Violoncello, 1972
“Transpositio ad infinitum” für Violoncello solo, 1976
Kaija Saariaho:
“Mirrors” Flöte und Violoncello, 1997 (2.Fassung)
“Dolce tormento” für Piccolo Flöte, 2004
“Petals” für Violoncello solo, 1988
“Mirrors” für Flöte und Violoncello, 1997 (3. Fassung)
Registration is open for a very special online course with me and some of my favorite “NEW MUSIC FLUTE” colleagues!
Write me for more details, or book a call with Shanna Pranaitis over the website
Postponed until 10 January 2022:
I’m so excited to be playing classic solo works from my personal repertoire, including “old friends” that have been with me beginning decades ago!
In other news:
I, too, am TEACHING ONLINE and have a few spots left for motivated students! Interested?
Contact me for your FREE TRIAL LESSON! Then we can discuss which program would help you the most!
COVID-19 Recordings:
In A Heartbeat by Stefan Hakenberg Listen with the artwork of Harald Klemm
Or watch the live version in the studio concert at Casa della Musica San Michele !!
Peter Koeszeghy*, Lava for solo flute
Stefan Hakenberg, In a Heartbeat for solo flute
Peter Koeszeghy*, Breathe Only for flute and piano
Camilla Hoitenga – flute
Daniele Nava – piano
*written for Camilla Hoitenga
I also had the pleasure of playing some classical arrangements with guitarist Michael Collings in Sylva, North Carolina. Here’s one of our favorites:
Sonatina Op. 205 II Tempo di Siciliana, with Michael Collings, Guitar
VIDEO of The Art of Change Opera, a Work in Progress presented at The New School’s College of Performing Arts
Concerts 2020 through March:
January 2 – 25 USA New York: The Art of Change Opera at The New School
January 26 – February 8 USA Albuquerque, New Mexico: Residency with WAVE DASH~ (flute/percussion duo with Magdalena Meitzner) at the John Donald Robb Composers’ Symposium, presenting 7 premiere performances
March 8 FRANCE Montpellier Musee Fabre: Premiere performance of Pèter Koeszeghy’s Lips for Flute and Harp for 100th birthday celebration of Pierre Soulages
March: teaching in Cologne, residency with Kaija Saariahoin Paris
April: concert and workshops in North Carolina
May: concert in Kunst-Station St. Peter, Cologne, Germany
June: concerts and master class in Casa San Michele, Piacenza, Italy
July: workshops in Montpellier, France and Helsinki, Finland
August: concerts in Helsinki and in Turku Finland.
November: ALL concerts –November Music in the Netherlands, Vernissage concert in Cologne, Germany
“The Art of Change Opera”, a teaser from Jean-Baptiste Barrière on Vimeo.
“EKSTASIS” by Kaija Saariaho & Jean-Baptiste Barrière with Aliisa Neige Barrière (violin), Camilla Hoitenga (flutes), Raphaële Kennedy (voice)
Extraits d’un /extracts of a Blu-ray + CD + Booklet CYP2624
Collection AVECypres, Label Cypres
℗ © Da Pacem & kastafior 2019
“EKSTASIS”, ext. du coffret Blu-ray / CD from Jean-Baptiste Barrière on Vimeo.
Jean-Baptiste Barrière, design and realisation of the images, electronics and final mixing, electronics realisation | Pierre-Jean Bouyer and François Galard, video processing | Isabelle Barrière, video shooting, editing and color grading | Image Auditive, technical conception and supervision | David Lefeber, engineering, editing, vocal and instrumental sound mixing | Thomas Goepfer, electronics realisation
Photo: Tarvo Varres
–KARLHEIZ STOCKHAUSEN POLES in a version for flute and analogue (Serge) synthesizer
The international project POLES is an hommage to Karlheinz Stockhausen centered around his composition POLES (1969-1970) for two players and multichannel sound diffusion. POLES is a so-called “open score”, music notated with a system invented by Stockhausen which consists of +’s and -’s instead of normal notes and which allows for various instrumentation.Aiming for a historically informed performance Camilla Hoitenga (USA/D) and Taavi Kerikmäe (EST) have made a version for flutes with the rare 1970s Serge modular synthesizer once belonging to composer (and some time copyist for K. Stockhausen) Michael Manion which is combined with current sound diffusion possibilities.
Camilla Hoitenga (USA/ GER) flutes (piccolo, C-, alto-, bass-flutes)
Taavi Kerikmäe (EST) SERGE modular synthesizer, piano /inside-piano sounds
Francesco Colasanto (ARG/MEX), Tammo Sumera (EST) sound diffusion
Interview with Katherine Bergman about our project around Stockhausen’s POLES for flutes and Serge synthesizer:
–SPECTRAL REFLECTIONS a recital of classics for flute/s and piano as well as music written for us by composers such Peter Koeszeghy, Kaija Saariaho and Helena Tulve.
–MICHAEL MANION MEMORIAL CONCERT with music for flute, piano/Serge synthesizer
Sketches: © Gusti Gould Korban
Download PDF: Duo Hoitenga / Kankaanranta
Violinist Jennifer Koh was born into a family of Korean immigrants in the U.S. Her parents were refugees during the Korean War – her mother from North Korea and her father from Seoul. French composer Jean-Baptiste Barrière’s first musical experiences were offered to him by his grandmother’s Korean partner, whom he considered his grandfather, and who disappeared during an attempt to return to North Korea in the 70s. Together, Jennifer Koh, Jean-Baptiste Barrière, and Aleksi Barrière have created The 38th Parallel, a multimedia pansori (a traditional form of staged narrative song created in 17th-century Korea) that explores the impact of war and displacement over three generations though testimonies, music, and visual arts. The 38th Parallel examines individual and familial transformation and how human lives are affected and altered by the experience of cultural uprooting and assimilation.
Composer/Multimedia Artist: Jean-Baptiste Barrière
Director/Dramaturge: Aleksi Barrière
Concept/Artistic Direction: Jennifer Koh
Violin: Jennifer Koh
Voice: Davóne Tines
Flute: Camilla Hoitenga
–Sounds of time with works by , SHIDA Shôko, JOVANKA TRBOJEVIC
–Japanese Gardens with KAIJA SAARIAHO, NAKAMURA Noriko, KANNO Yoshihiro
„Sounds of Time“ – in Japan zirkular statt linear, fließend ineinander übergehende Phrasen anstelle von logisch aufgebauten Abläufen. Klänge, die über uns hinwegfluten wie Wellen am Strand und uns von einer Welt in eine andere mitnehmen. Klänge auch, die zeitlos sind, auf uralte Rituale anspielen, auf Gesänge beim Sumô-Ringkampf, die in die Gegenwart übersetzt und auf westliche Instrumente übertragen werden, auf Bass-Flöte und Piccolo, auf Trommeln Gongs und Triangel. Individuelle und kombinierte Klänge, inspiriert von Vorstellungen animistischer und spiritueller Überlieferungen, vermittelt durch moderne Technologien (Spektralanalyse von Schwingungen) und bereichert durch vokale Äußerungen, mal meditativ, mal erregt.
Die Flötistin Camilla Hoitenga ist eine Musikerin, die sich vielseitig und idealistisch der Neuen Musik verschrieben hat. Zusammen mit dem Schlagzeuger Norbert Krämer, ebenfalls ein Spezialist für Neue Musik und Mitglied verschiedener einschlägig bekannter Ensembles (z.B. anthos, welches sich in erster Linie der Aufführung der Werke von Karlheinz Stockhausen widmet), stellt Camilla Hoitenga im heutigen Konzert Werke japanischer Komponisten vor und kontrastiert sie mit europäischen Stücken. (H.-D. Reese)
Norbert Krämer and Camilla Hoitenga
Camilla Hoitenga, flûtiste et Raphaële Kennedy, soprano, noires dentelles, satin rose pâle, annonçaient la couleur: ce serait un échange sensuel et vibrant…. Ohyarai, pour flûte solo de la japonaise Yu Kuwabara : une palette de timbres que Camilla Hoitenga joue avec brio. … Grim-Montévidéo, Marseille
Crossing the Blind Forest, for bass flute, electronics and live video, by Jean-Baptiste Barriere (Premiere, NYC, 2011)
Towards the Silence, for flute, bass flute, voices, live electronics and video, by Claudia Robles and Camilla Hoitenga (Premiere, Cologne, 2011)
WAVE DASH – Duo with percussionist Magdalena Meitzner
Inspired by each other’s music making, Camilla and Magdalena formed a duo and, with the generous support of thw Swedish Art Council, promptly commissioned three of their favorite composers to collaborate with them and create new pieces. The result is a new program of distinctevly personal and compelling new music for flutes and percussion.
Repertoire includes works written for them by Anne LeBaron , Lisa Streich , Christofer Elgh , Peter Gilbert , Karola Obermüller, Richard Hermann , José Luis Hurtado
Find detailed information on both artists and the programm in this Presentation of WAVE DASH.
With chamber orchestra:
With large orchestra:
To be defined
Whether I’m in your town or mine, I’m available for lessons and master classes, in person or online.
Private Lessons:
…from Darlene Dugan in high school and college to Alex Murray, Peter Lloyd, Julius Baker and Marcel Moyse in graduate school and beyond, as well as from flutists such as Geoffrey Gilbert or Thomas Nyfenger for whom I played in their master classes.
Images from left to right: 1. Darlene Dugan, 2. Alex Murray with Camilla Hoitenga, 3. Julius Baker, 4. Camilla Hoitenga at Baker’s masterclass, 5. Camilla Hoitenga playing for Marcel Moyse.
“Camilla has been really generous with me. She helped me to enter another level of subtlety in flute playing and each of her lessons also gave me an important and precious space to talk and express myself.” – Clèmence Manachère – flute, soprano saxophone, composition
“Camilla is very thorough in her teaching and guides you through strategies and skills to ensure that you feel confident and deliberate with every single note. I go back to the practice room brimming with enthusiasm…” – Phoebe Bognar – performer, flutist, composer
I’d be honored to help you take your musicianship to the next level! Contact me here to find out more!
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Other Popular Masterclasses:
Contact me here to invite me to your institution or to have me contribute to your own master classes!
“Thank you very much for the amazing teaching and the FUN 👏🏼👏🏼” – P.M. – violinist
“Camilla was able to lead musicians with varying improvisation backgrounds through an extremely successful and creative process! I found the entire session to be incredibly inspiring and I continue to use the process of integrating art into my improvisation today!” – Chelsea M Kuhlow – flutist, educator
“…what an inspiring journey!” – H.N. – violinist
Flutist Camilla Hoitenga is internationally known for her close work with composers like Kaija Saariaho and Karlheinz Stockhausen. Praised by The New York Times for her seamless blend of technical brilliance and expressive depth, she has appeared at major venues like the London Royal Festival Hall or the Beijing Concert Hall, premiering concertos by Saariaho, Peter Köszeghy or Ken-Ichiro Kobayashi with leading orchestras and conductors worldwide. Her repertoire ranges from Baroque to interdisciplinary projects with live video, electronics and improvisation. Based in Cologne and North Carolina, she also teaches and mentors worldwide, both in person and online.
Download full bio here | Download short bios here
Spirits and Memories: Kaija Saariaho, Margaret Fairlie-Kennedy, Kazoo Fukushima, Lee Yong Chong, Helen Fisher, David Bohn, Noriko Nakamura
Koelner Philharmonie Podcast with Katie Knees (January 2025) (Auf Deutsch)
From studying to become a street musician to a lecturer, ensemble member, soloist, and coach. Camilla Hoitenga speaks in the ACHT BRÜCKEN podcast with Katherina Knees about her career, coincidences, opportunities, and the courage to go her own way. She talks about her collaboration with Karlheinz Stockhausen and her first meeting with Kaija Saariaho in Darmstadt in 1982 and the friendship that developed from this and the musical exchange with the portrait composer of ACHT BRÜCKEN 2025.
Neue Musik Leben with Irene Kuka (September 2024)
Flutist Camilla Hoitenga talks about her pathway into playing flute and contemporary music and about how she follows her interest and her gut feelings. She also reflects on traveling, routines and her friendship and collaboration with Kajia Saariaho.
Flute Talks with Renata Kambarova (January 2022)
Her workshops were always informative, with a nice atmosphere, extremely inspiring. They gave me very interesting tools and gave me courage to create and share moments of music interacting with art. One month later, I was in Darmstadt and was surprised to learn that Camilla herself was there too! And couldn’t resist asking her the favor of interviewing her for this podcast, and I am very honored that she accepted.
Radio New Zealand with Byran Crump on Three to Seven (13 June 2023)
Camilla Hoitenga plays Aile du Songe
“American flute player Camilla Hoitenga is in Tāmaki Makaurau as a short notice replacement for Auckland Philharmonia soloist Ana de las Vega.
Camilla will be playing ‘Aile du songe’, a concerto by her friend, the Finnish composer Kaija Saariaho, who died earlier this month.
Bryan Crump spoke with Camilla about their friendship, and being part of the German avant-garde music scene in the heyday of Karlheinz Stockhausen – it turns out playing Stockhausen when busking was quite lucrative.”
Read more and listen to the full interview here.
Flute Talk, January 2001 Pages 7-10 ‘A Passion For New Sounds, An Interview with Camilla Hoitenga’ |
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Pan, June 2003 Pages 22-25 ‘Stretching the Boundaries’ |
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Fluit, Edition 1 2021 Pages 7-11 ‘Camilla Hoitenga, Saariaho-kenner en Meer’ (Dutch) |
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Köln, 1984/85 ‘Im Veedel’ (German) |
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The Flute, May/June 2001 Pages 12-14 (Japanese) |
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Pan, June 2002 Page 15 ‘Flights of Fancy’ |
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BBC Music Magazine, December 2002 ‘French Influence Takes Wing’ |
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NY Flute Club Newsletter, November 2005 Pages 1-7 ‘A Chat With Camilla Hoitenga’ |
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Sonic, March/April 2010 Pages 118-120 ‘Camilla Hoitenga: “Ich liebe Überraschungen!”‘ (German) |
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Huilisti, Edition 1 2011 Pages 16-18 ‘Camilla Hoitenga – monipuolinen huilisti’ (Finnish) |
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Aplaus, Autumn 2012 Pages 18-19 ‘Nüüd & muusikast! Nüüdismuusikast?’ (Estonian) |
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The Calvin Spark, 2012 ‘Have flute, will travel’ |
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Music & Literature, November 2014 ‘The New York City Launch of Music & Literature NO.5: Scandinavia House/20 Nov 2014’ |
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Available online, read here. |
Fluit, Edition 2 2021 Pages 22-24 ‘Jack Moore no. 42: Maatwerk’ (Dutch) |
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Music & Literature, October 2014 No. 5 – Pages 92-94 ‘The Flute Music of Kaija Saariaho – A Personal History’ (Available online) |
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Also available on my website under ‘Saariaho’, read here. |
Pan, November 2023 Pages 18-23 Kaija Saariaho – A Personal Reflection |
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The Flutist Quarterly, Fall 2024, Volume 50 Kaija Saariaho – A Personal ReflectionSubscribers to The Flutist Quarterly can view here. |
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Flutist Camilla Hoitenga is internationally known for her close work with composers like Kaija Saariaho and Karlheinz Stockhausen. Praised by The New York Times for her seamless blend of technical brilliance and expressive depth, she has appeared at major venues like the London Royal Festival Hall or the Beijing Concert Hall, premiering concertos by Saariaho, Peter Köszeghy or Ken-Ichiro Kobayashi with leading orchestras and conductors worldwide. Her repertoire ranges from Baroque to interdisciplinary projects with live video, electronics and improvisation. Based in Cologne and North Carolina, she also teaches and mentors worldwide, both in person and online.
Download full bio here | Download short bio here
All download photos are free for use in print or on the web, but please note copyrights and do credit the photographers.
Photos: 1-10 © Maarit Kytöharju, 11 – 15 © Sonja Dirscherl Drunken Queen, 16 – 17 © Helmut Schultz
Burned into the Orange: Music of Peter Gilbert (2021) Premiere recording of Peter Gilbert’s “Channeling the Waters” for flute and percussion, “ on a portrait CD brought out by New Focus Recordings. With percussionist Magdalena Meitzner |
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Christopher Dell “Alterity Stream” (2021) “Alterity Stream presents a unique composition cycle by Christopher Dell, the internationally acclaimed composer and vibraphonist, who is known and highly respected for his experimental music. Taking the confrontation of the jazz quartett and classical wind ensemble as point of departure, Dell transforms this hybrid into an ecstatic montage of forms. … With Christopher Dell, Theo Jörgensman, Christan Ramond, Klaus kugel, Anja Scmiel, Bernhard Kösling, Christine Chapman |
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Ekstasis, 2019
A collection of audiovisual studio recordings of chamber works by Kaija Saariaho and Jean-Baptiste Barrière, with video work by Barrière. |
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Portrait Karola Obermüller, 2018 Premiere recording of Karola Obermüller’s solo for bass flute “…silbern” on a portrait CD brought out by WERGO! “… inspired by ancient poetic texts as from the greek poet Sappho… the essences of human existence like light and night, eros and longing…” |
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Only the Sound remains, 2017 Music– Kaija Saariaho The DVD of Saariaho’s latest opera, which also features wonderful writing for piccolo, concert, alto and bass flutes!! |
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Let the Wind speak, 2015 Music– Kaija Saariaho Performer: Camilla Hoitenga, with Da Camera of Houston, Heloise Dautry, Daniel Belcher, Anssi Karttunen Record company: Ondine |
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Blackthorn Eyes 2012 (contains Lost in the Desert for flute solo, Camilla Hoitenga, Flute) Record company: Arvydas Malcys (2012) |
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Cracks and Corrosion, 2009 Music: Örjan Sandred “Whirl of Leaves” Camilla Hoitenga, flute, Héloïse Dautry, harp Navona Records | Amazon |
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Four Concertos, 2008 Music: Arvydas Malcys Flute concerto “Vox clamantis in deserto”(1995) Camilla Hoitenga, flute Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Robertas Servenikas, conductor Arvydas Malcys SEM-001 |
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“Pope Joan” and “Transfiguration”, Anne LeBaron, 2007 Music : Anne LeBaron Transfiguration: Lucy Shelton, soprano Camilla Hoitenga, flute June Han, harp William Trigg, percussion Rand Steiger, conductor New World Records 80663 | Amazon |
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Music of Shoko Shida, 2006 Music : Shoko Shida Fukura-Semè: Camilla Hoitenga, flute and noh-kan AYA: Wilhelm Bruck & Theodor Ross, guitar and percussion, Camilla Hoitenga, alto flute Fontec FOCD2561 |
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Banjaxed Zack Browning, Network Slammer for flute and tape Capstone Records (CPS-8697) |
Prisma, 1997 CD-ROM Discovering today’s music through the work of Kaija Saariaho. ISBN 951-0-24532-1 | available through Petals |
Private Gardens, 1997 Kaija Saariaho “NoaNoa” for flute and electronics Ondine (ODE 906-2) |
A Portrait of Kaija Saariaho, 1997 Kaija Saariaho “Laconisme de l’aile” (for solo flute) “NoaNoa” (for flute and electronics) BIS 1997 (BIS-CD-307) | Amazon |
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Soloists Concerts LIVE, 1997 Berlin Philharmonic, April 10, 1997 Anne LeBaron: “Solar Music” (World Premiere) with Alice Giles, harp Ruth Zechlin: “Duo for flute and voice” with Christine Ascher, mezzo-soprano Teresa Procaccini: “Introduzione e Allegro op. 39” with Caroline Weichert, piano |
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Nouveau réalisme, 1995 Heiner Grenzland: “Caravelle” Intermusic 1995 (IM 41801) |
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Electro Acoustic Music III, 1994 Kaija Saariaho: “NoaNoa” for flute and electronics Neuma 1994 (Neuma 450-87) |
… the most exciting program of new music this listener has heard so far this year… Tim Page in the New York Times
… an eccentric genius on her instrument… General-Anzeiger Bonn
…playing that let one forget the time…. The Flute, Japan
Tout ce périple musical servi par la virtuosité, le charme, la seduction instrumentale de … Camilla Hoitenga. La Gazette Provencale
…a lively and alluring soloist… The Independent
A shimmering aura enveloped the melodies, gently vibrating and devotedly celebrated by Hoitenga, Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger
….transported her audience to another world. The Flute, Japan
…a captivating soloist, meltingly tender in the opening slow music and coquettishly lithe in the fast music of the second movement. She flung off the works trappings of virtuosity with ease… Daily Telegraph
…charismatic and exciting playing…all flautists should hear Hoitenga play. Pan
…virtuosic with compelling intensity and such vitality…. Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten
Camilla Hoitenga is more than a good instrumentalist: she lives this music. She twirls and sings, she hisses and purrs. Hamburger Morgenpost
… a magic flutist…. Südkurier
Kaija Saariaho
“NoaNoa” for flute and electronics
Ondine (ODE 906-2)
As a concert artist, I’ve been fortunate enough to perform around the world, teach both professional and aspiring musicians, and make lasting friendships wherever I go. I live a life full of music, travel, and meaningful connections.
However, what many don’t know is how my journey began. After college, I tried to follow the expected path—marriage, teaching, settling down. However, during graduate school, I realized that this mold didn’t fit me. So I left that life behind on an adventure to make it as a musician. In 1980, I arrived in Germany with just $200 and two suitcases. I knew a couple of people, but I had not applied for scholarships and I had no family or external support. I planned to earn a living as a street musician, playing for passersby in bustling city squares. And, this I did! (See the photo!).
Finding My Own Path
Viewing my street-playing as “paid practice,” I played as much classical repertoire as I could from memory and also increased my skills by joining Irish bands and learning folk tunes. Already in the first months I was “discovered”: I was invited to perform with various local orchestras and chamber groups and then offered a job teaching flute at a music school. From there, opportunities continued to open up: I played concerts, won a solo competition, and soon started collaborating with composers like Karlheinz Stockhausen and Kaija Saariaho. Over time, I concentrated on performing solo repertoire and gradually carved out a career that felt truly mine.
Creating a Life Outside the Box
The road wasn’t exactly direct, nor was it smoothly paved: my income was often precarious, and emotional support in this pre-internet time of communication wasn’t always at hand. But somehow I carried on, refusing to settle for a “real” job. And sure enough, the right people and opportunities kept appearing, enabling me to perform in incredible places from art museums to Carnegie Hall, from Germany to Japan, playing music which I’m passionate about. Eventually, despite the unconventional path I took, I reconnected with my family and, later in life, was also “discovered” by an interesting man who insisted on marrying me!
Looking Forward
Today, I’m living proof that you can create a fulfilling, meaningful life outside the box, no matter how winding the path might be. Grateful to have found people and tools helping me along the way, it is now my mission to inspire you to find your own way to success.
Playing alto and bass flutes made by Altus, I am also an Altus artist.
I continue to treasure the flute Jack Moore made for me in 1978 (#42) — read about its ingenious inventions under Media! — and the headjoint Albert Cooper made me in 1981 to go with it. As an alternative, in 2012, I added a headjoint made by Tobias Mancke
If it’s true that “Everyone is a coach these days,” it’s also true that more and more people are realizing how much easier it is to achieve one’s goals — not to mention figure them out! — with the help of a personal but objective advocate.
A coach is:
Someone you can bounce off ideas with, brainstorm with, sort out your plans (what next?)
Someone who is there to really listen to you and support you in expanding your horizons
Someone who can help YOU determine and realize your OWN goals and dreams
A three-month program to get you focused on what YOU really want and how to achieve it!
As many of you might know, I’ve gone through my own share of issues along the way: two divorces, moving to a foreign country without a scholarship or mentor, dealing with parental rejection, following my music passions vs “settling down,” changing partners, figuring out how to be healthy, embracing different cultures and philosophies, not to mention dealing with complicated “complexes” vacillating between superiority and (more often) inferiority.
When I came to Europe in 1980, coaching wasn’t a “thing” — except for athletes. But with the help of good friends, wise books and persistent searching on my part — not to mention the steadying presence of my blossoming flute career ! — I eventually found my way. I made a life in Germany, I reunited with my parents, and through my extensive travels on four continents and in dozens of countries, I learned how to adapt to many many other cultures. I also have a wonderful husband, good health, and spiritual peace of mind!
For ALL of these experiences, especially if I can use them for the benefit of others, I am extremely grateful!!
“Working with Camilla as my coach enabled me to view my life from a clearer, more detached perspective. This allowed me to observe and understand many patterns that were holding me back and make space for positive changes. She is supportive and kind, always available when you need her advice. I felt privileged to have her as my coach! One can feel the light that shines from her approach to personal growth in all areas of life.”
“After our session it was much easier to organise my projects. Things are falling into place now.”
“You’ve given me a lot of food for thought – I can’t wait to implement it!”
“Thank you so much for your time and your heart! I am so grateful!”
International Mobile Music Theater of Today
I am honored to be the new flutist in the long-standing El Cimarrón Ensemble, joining baritone Robert Koller and founders Ivan Mancelli, percussion and Christina Schorn-Mancelli, guitar. Formed in 1999, primarily perform Hans Werner Henze’s iconic work El Cimarron, with stage direction by Michael Kerstan, the ensemble’s artistic focus lies in the collaboration with international, demanding composers and has so far led also to the performance of works by Agustín Castilla Ávila, Stefan Hakenberg, Sabine E. Panzer, Stefano Taglietti, Vito Palumbo, Mario Pagotto, Luca Lombardi and Balz Trümpy, including eight world premieres of pieces dedicated to the ensemble.
After playing together in summer projects of the extended El Cimarrón Ensemble, Michael & I gave our first duo concert in the fall of 2024, featuring duo and solo works of B.A. Zimmermann, Karlheinz Stockhausen and Kaija Saariaho. Promptly followed other invitations, and here we go!
Flute & Kantele Duo with Eija Kankaanranta
Download PDF: Duo Hoitenga / Kankaanranta
with Héloïse Dautry, guests Anne-May Krüger, Mezzo-Soprano, Antoine Dautry, Viola
Repertoire written for them by Kaija Saariaho , Orjan Sandred , Tôn-Thất Tiết , Peter Köszeghy , Anne LeBaron , Ying Wang , Christophe de Coudenhove, Christophe Sirodeau , Andreas Wagner, Isabel Chevalon
Repertoire includes works written for them by Anne LeBaron , Lisa Streich , Christofer Elgh , Peter Gilbert , Karola Obermüller, Richard Hermann , José Luis Hurtado
With the generous support of the Swedish Art Council and subsequently with the support of the John foundation in New Mexico, Camilla and Magdalena commissioned many of their favorite composers, first in Sweden and later in the USA. The result is a new program of distinctly personal and compelling new music for flutes and percussion.
Find detailed information on both artists and the programm in this Presentation of WAVE DASH.
”EKSTASIS” — multimedia concerts with music by Kaija Saariaho and Jean-Baptiste Barrière, with Raphaële Kennedy, soprano; Aliisa Neige Barrière, violin and Camilla Hoitenga, flutes Recording now available on Blu-ray and CD: (and here the video teaser…)
Jean-Baptiste Barrière, design and realisation of the images, electronics and final mixing, electronics realisation | Pierre-Jean Bouyer and François Galard, video processing | Isabelle Barrière, video shooting, editing and color grading | Image Auditive, technical conception and supervision | David Lefeber, engineering, editing, vocal and instrumental sound mixing | Thomas Goepfer, electronics realisation
An evening of Immersive Musical Theatre inspired by Kaija Saariaho’s SOMBRE in the version for Bass flute, Baritone, Kantele, Percussion and Double bass
Including world premieres of works inspired by further music from Kaija Saariaho by Swiss composers Cécile Marti & Asia Ahmetjanova and with additional responses by Jean-Baptiste Barrière.
More information coming soon, subscribe to my newsletter to stay up to date!
Repertoire includes works written for them by SHIDA Shôko, Jovanka Trbojevic, KANNO Yoshihiro
„Sounds of Time“ – in Japan zirkular statt linear, fließend ineinander übergehende Phrasen anstelle von logisch aufgebauten Abläufen. Klänge, die über uns hinwegfluten wie Wellen am Strand und uns von einer Welt in eine andere mitnehmen. Klänge auch, die zeitlos sind, auf uralte Rituale anspielen, auf Gesänge beim Sumô-Ringkampf, die in die Gegenwart übersetzt und auf westliche Instrumente übertragen werden, auf Bass-Flöte und Piccolo, auf Trommeln Gongs und Triangel. Individuelle und kombinierte Klänge, inspiriert von Vorstellungen animistischer und spiritueller Überlieferungen, vermittelt durch moderne Technologien (Spektralanalyse von Schwingungen) und bereichert durch vokale Äußerungen, mal meditativ, mal erregt. (H.-D. Reese)
In a version for flute and analogue (Serge) synthesizer.
The international project POLES is an hommage to Karlheinz Stockhausen centered around his composition POLES (1969-1970) for two players and multichannel sound diffusion. POLES is a so-called “open score”, music notated with a system invented by Stockhausen which consists of +’s and -’s instead of normal notes and which allows for various instrumentation.Aiming for a historically informed performance Camilla Hoitenga (USA/D) and Taavi Kerikmäe (EST) have made a version for flutes with the rare 1970s Serge modular synthesizer once belonging to composer (and some time copyist for K. Stockhausen) Michael Manion which is combined with current sound diffusion possibilities.
Camilla Hoitenga (USA/ GER) flutes (piccolo, C-, alto-, bass-flutes)
Taavi Kerikmäe (EST) SERGE modular synthesizer, piano /inside-piano sounds
Francesco Colasanto (ARG/MEX), Tammo Sumera (EST) sound diffusion
Interview with Katherine Bergman about our project around Stockhausen’s POLES for flutes and Serge synthesizer: Read here
With music for flute, piano/Serge synthesizer
For Flute and Kantele
For flute and Voice
For Flute and Harp/Koto/Guitar
For Flute and Piano/Organ/Celeste/Bajan
For Flute Ensembles
For Flute and Saxophone
For Flute and Percussion
For Woodwind Quintet
Flutist Camilla Hoitenga is internationally known for her close work with composers like Kaija Saariaho and Karlheinz Stockhausen. Praised by The New York Times for her seamless blend of technical brilliance and expressive depth, she has appeared at major venues like the London Royal Festival Hall or the Beijing Concert Hall, premiering concertos by Saariaho, Peter Köszeghy or Ken-Ichiro Kobayashi with leading orchestras and conductors worldwide. Her repertoire ranges from Baroque to interdisciplinary projects with live video, electronics and improvisation. Based in Cologne and North Carolina, she also teaches and mentors worldwide, both in person and online.
Download full bio here | Download short bio here | Download promo photos here
with Héloïse Dautry, guests Anne-May Krüger, Mezzo-Soprano, Antoine Dautry, Viola
Repertoire written for them by Kaija Saariaho , Orjan Sandred , Tôn-Thất Tiết , Peter Köszeghy , Anne LeBaron , Ying Wang , Christophe de Coudenhove, Christophe Sirodeau , Andreas Wagner, Isabel Chevalon
Duo with Eia Kankaanranta,
in a version for flute and analogue (Serge) synthesizer
The international project POLES is an hommage to Karlheinz Stockhausen centered around his composition POLES (1969-1970) for two players and multichannel sound diffusion. POLES is a so-called “open score”, music notated with a system invented by Stockhausen which consists of +’s and -’s instead of normal notes and which allows for various instrumentation.Aiming for a historically informed performance Camilla Hoitenga (USA/D) and Taavi Kerikmäe (EST) have made a version for flutes with the rare 1970s Serge modular synthesizer once belonging to composer (and some time copyist for K. Stockhausen) Michael Manion which is combined with current sound diffusion possibilities.
Camilla Hoitenga (USA/ GER) flutes (piccolo, C-, alto-, bass-flutes)
Taavi Kerikmäe (EST) SERGE modular synthesizer, piano /inside-piano sounds
Francesco Colasanto (ARG/MEX), Tammo Sumera (EST) sound diffusion
Interview with Katherine Bergman about our project around Stockhausen’s POLES for flutes and Serge synthesizer:
a recital of classics for flute/s and piano as well as music written for us by composers such Peter Koeszeghy, Kaija Saariaho and Helena Tulve.
with music for flute, piano/Serge synthesizer
–Sounds of time with works by , SHIDA Shôko, JOVANKA TRBOJEVIC
–Japanese Gardens with KAIJA SAARIAHO, NAKAMURA Noriko, KANNO Yoshihiro
„Sounds of Time“ – in Japan zirkular statt linear, fließend ineinander übergehende Phrasen anstelle von logisch aufgebauten Abläufen. Klänge, die über uns hinwegfluten wie Wellen am Strand und uns von einer Welt in eine andere mitnehmen. Klänge auch, die zeitlos sind, auf uralte Rituale anspielen, auf Gesänge beim Sumô-Ringkampf, die in die Gegenwart übersetzt und auf westliche Instrumente übertragen werden, auf Bass-Flöte und Piccolo, auf Trommeln Gongs und Triangel. Individuelle und kombinierte Klänge, inspiriert von Vorstellungen animistischer und spiritueller Überlieferungen, vermittelt durch moderne Technologien (Spektralanalyse von Schwingungen) und bereichert durch vokale Äußerungen, mal meditativ, mal erregt.
Die Flötistin Camilla Hoitenga ist eine Musikerin, die sich vielseitig und idealistisch der Neuen Musik verschrieben hat. Zusammen mit dem Schlagzeuger Norbert Krämer, ebenfalls ein Spezialist für Neue Musik und Mitglied verschiedener einschlägig bekannter Ensembles (z.B. anthos, welches sich in erster Linie der Aufführung der Werke von Karlheinz Stockhausen widmet), stellt Camilla Hoitenga im heutigen Konzert Werke japanischer Komponisten vor und kontrastiert sie mit europäischen Stücken. (H.-D. Reese)
”EKSTASIS” — multimedia concerts with music by Kaija Saariaho and Jean-Baptiste Barrière, with Raphaële Kennedy, soprano; Aliisa Neige Barrière, violin and Camilla Hoitenga, flutes Recording now available on Blu-ray and CD: (and here the video teaser…)
“EKSTASIS”, ext. du coffret Blu-ray / CD from Jean-Baptiste Barrière on Vimeo.
Jean-Baptiste Barrière, design and realisation of the images, electronics and final mixing, electronics realisation | Pierre-Jean Bouyer and François Galard, video processing | Isabelle Barrière, video shooting, editing and color grading | Image Auditive, technical conception and supervision | David Lefeber, engineering, editing, vocal and instrumental sound mixing | Thomas Goepfer, electronics realisation