Performer – Special Projects
Visual Concerts
”EKSTASIS” — multimedia concerts with music by Kaija Saariaho and Jean-Baptiste Barrière, with Raphaële Kennedy, soprano; Aliisa Neige Barrière, violin and Camilla Hoitenga, flutes Recording now available on Blu-ray and CD: (and here the video teaser…)
Jean-Baptiste Barrière, design and realisation of the images, electronics and final mixing, electronics realisation | Pierre-Jean Bouyer and François Galard, video processing | Isabelle Barrière, video shooting, editing and color grading | Image Auditive, technical conception and supervision | David Lefeber, engineering, editing, vocal and instrumental sound mixing | Thomas Goepfer, electronics realisation
Sombre: Reflections and Responses
An evening of Immersive Musical Theatre inspired by Kaija Saariaho’s SOMBRE in the version for Bass flute, Baritone, Kantele, Percussion and Double bass
Including world premieres of works inspired by further music from Kaija Saariaho by Swiss composers Cécile Marti & Asia Ahmetjanova and with additional responses by Jean-Baptiste Barrière.
- Camilla Hoitenga (D/USA) Bass Flute
- Robert Koller (CH) Bass-baritone
- Eija Kankaanranta (FIN) Kantele
- Ensemble ö! (CH):
- David Sonton (CH) Violin, Viola
- Daniel Sailer (CH) Double Bass
- Dino Georgeton (CH) Percussion
- Jean-Baptiste Barrière (F) Sound design, electronic arts
More information coming soon, subscribe to my newsletter to stay up to date!
Sounds of Time with Norbert Krämer
Repertoire includes works written for them by SHIDA Shôko, Jovanka Trbojevic, KANNO Yoshihiro
„Sounds of Time“ – in Japan zirkular statt linear, fließend ineinander übergehende Phrasen anstelle von logisch aufgebauten Abläufen. Klänge, die über uns hinwegfluten wie Wellen am Strand und uns von einer Welt in eine andere mitnehmen. Klänge auch, die zeitlos sind, auf uralte Rituale anspielen, auf Gesänge beim Sumô-Ringkampf, die in die Gegenwart übersetzt und auf westliche Instrumente übertragen werden, auf Bass-Flöte und Piccolo, auf Trommeln Gongs und Triangel. Individuelle und kombinierte Klänge, inspiriert von Vorstellungen animistischer und spiritueller Überlieferungen, vermittelt durch moderne Technologien (Spektralanalyse von Schwingungen) und bereichert durch vokale Äußerungen, mal meditativ, mal erregt. (H.-D. Reese)
Flute & Piano/Synthesizer

In a version for flute and analogue (Serge) synthesizer.
The international project POLES is an hommage to Karlheinz Stockhausen centered around his composition POLES (1969-1970) for two players and multichannel sound diffusion. POLES is a so-called “open score”, music notated with a system invented by Stockhausen which consists of +’s and -’s instead of normal notes and which allows for various instrumentation.Aiming for a historically informed performance Camilla Hoitenga (USA/D) and Taavi Kerikmäe (EST) have made a version for flutes with the rare 1970s Serge modular synthesizer once belonging to composer (and some time copyist for K. Stockhausen) Michael Manion which is combined with current sound diffusion possibilities.
Camilla Hoitenga (USA/ GER) flutes (piccolo, C-, alto-, bass-flutes)
Taavi Kerikmäe (EST) SERGE modular synthesizer, piano /inside-piano sounds
Francesco Colasanto (ARG/MEX), Tammo Sumera (EST) sound diffusion
Interview with Katherine Bergman about our project around Stockhausen’s POLES for flutes and Serge synthesizer: Read here
With music for flute, piano/Serge synthesizer